NgSurvey Settings
NgSurvey has few settings to allow you to customize the behavior of how it works. These settings can be accessed from NgSurvey -> Settings menu item on your administration screen.
Load Bootstrap 5 JavaScript: If you know your template is using Bootstrap 5 JavaScript library and it already loaded the Bootstrap 5 JavaScript files, disable this option.
Load Bootstrap 5 CSS: Enable this option if your template do not use Bootstrap 5 CSS library or it does not load it automatically. NgSurvey is built on the Bootstrap library and loads the customized version of it. The CSS is namespaced, so it will not interfere with other elements on the page.
Maps Service: Select the maps service you would like to use to show the maps. Google Maps and Openstreetmaps are supported as of now.
Google Maps API Key: If you choose Google Maps as maps service, please enter the Google Maps API key in this field. The API should have permissions for Google Maps JavaScript API, Geocoding API and Google Maps Places API.